“New Action for unemployed people with 17.000€ subsidy”
Applications for funding for the new Action of “Entrepreneurship Support Action for unemployed people aged 30-59 years old with emphasis on women” will start tomorrow…
“Strengthening of Existing Enterprises of the RIS3 strategy in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace”
The Action “Support of existing enterprises of the RIS3 strategy in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace” was published with 50% aid rate…
“Digital Tools (2nd Round)”
Following the success of the “Digital Tools” Action, the Ministry has passed and published the Declaration of the second round…
“Actions to support existing and new social enterprises (grants for job creation, for the establishment of new businesses, networking, information, awareness raising, support for the operation of incubators, etc.) in Central Macedonia”
The new Action to support existing and new businesses of the Social and Solidarity Economy Registry in the Region of Central Macedonia has been published…
“Supporting businesses in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace for research and innovation”
The Action “Supporting businesses in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace for research and innovation” was published…
``Cooperation between enterprises (accelerators) and research institutions (contractors) for research/technology in the context of the regional dimension of the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation``
The applications for the new Action “Cooperation between enterprises (accelerators) and research institutions (contractors) for research/technology in the context of the regional dimension of the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation” are in full swing for the North Aegean Region…
“Strengthening of Existing Enterprises of the RIS3 strategy in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace”
A new Funding Programme is expected to be announced soon for existing SMEs in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Investment projects’ budget can be between 70.000€ and 1.000.000€ and are to be financed with a 50% aid rate…
“Priority implementation of non-technological innovations by North Aegean enterprises in the context of the regional dimension of the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation”
Τhe submission of Applications for Funding in the new Action “Priority implementation of non-technological innovations by North Aegean enterprises in the context of the regional dimension of the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation” starts tomorrow…
``Establishment of Enterprises and Support of new small and Medium sized enterprises in the areas of the Territorial Transition Plans of the Region of Western Macedonia & Megalopolis``
The Action for the establishment and support of the newly established businesses that are or will be active in the Regions of Western Macedonia and Peloponnese was launched…
``Research & Innovate 2021 – 2027 ``
The new Action “Research and Innovate 2021 – 2027” for businesses, research and other organisations has been published…
``Promotion of sales and exports of enterprises of the North Aegean Region``
Τhe submission of Applications for Funding in the new Action “Promotion of sales and exports of enterprises of the North Aegean Region” is now open…
``Funding for SMEs in the areas of the Transition Territorial Plans of the Region of Western Macedonia & Megalopolis``
The new Action to support existing businesses operating in the Regions of Western Macedonia and Peloponnese was launched just yesterday…
``Transition to Innovative, Extroverted and Smart Specialization in Central Macedonia ``
Action aims to strengthen the activities of the priority sectors of the National Smart Specialization Strategy.
``Support for the Establishment and Function of new small and Medium sized tourism enterprises``
The Action “Support for the Establishment and Function of new small and Medium sized tourism enterprises” supports business plans for the establishment and function SMEs, which will invest their own resources in the activity they intend to carry out and will create new employment opportunities.
``Support of business plans for the establishment and function of SMEs``
The Action regards the support of business plans for the establishment and function of SMEs, which will invest their own resources in the activity they intend to carry out and will create new employment opportunities.
``Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs``
The priority of the Action is to upgrade micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Medium Digital Maturity…
``Cutting Edge Digital Transformation``
The priority of the Action is to upgrade SMEs with cutting-edge technologies or advanced digital systems of the 4th industrial revolution…
``Green Productive Investment of SMEs``
This action aims at the exploitation and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of the products…
``Green Transformation of SMEs``
This action aims at the exploitation and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of the products…
``Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs``
The Action encourages the implementation of targeted basic digital transformation investment projects…