In the 2023-2027 programming period, LEADER will once again be a key tool for the development of rural areas. Following the Invitation no. 2545/10.10.2022 of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Development Association of Halkidiki SA (ANETXA AE) has started the process to formulate the new Local Leader Program for the next Programming Period 2023-2027 in the framework of Intervention Π3-77-4.1 “Support for Local Development through LEADER (TAPTOK) – Community-Led Local Development)” of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The main objective is to promote employment, social inclusion and local development in rural areas, including the bioeconomy and sustainable forestry.
- To achieve the goal, six (6) needs groups were identified:
- Strengthening and diversifying the economy of rural areas
- Improving the level of infrastructure and services in rural areas
- Retaining and attracting population to rural areas
- Improving and upgrading the skills of human resources
- Promoting a bioeconomy and circular economy in rural areas
- Tackling poverty and social exclusion
Rural development policy is an increasingly important component of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Experience has shown that LEADER can make a real difference to people’s daily lives in rural areas, can play an important role in finding innovative responses to old and new rural problems and become an important tool for building local capacities and experimenting with new ways of addressing the needs of rural communities.
For more information click here.