“Grant to self-employed lawyers”
This action concerns the support of Self-employed Lawyers affected by the pandemic (Covid 19) in the form of a grant to cover the digital modernization requirements of their offices.
Beneficiaries of the Action are Self-employed Lawyers registered with the Bar Association, who are legally operating in the country and have commenced a business with the competent Tax Office by 31/12/2020.
The formal conditions for the participation of companies submitting a proposal are
the following:
have as their main ID of business activity one of the eligible codes :
69.10 Legal activities
69.10.1 Legal services (lawyer)
69.10.11 Legal advisory and legal representation services in criminal law
69.10.12 Legal advisory and legal representation services in legal proceedings before regular courts of law relating to business and commercial law
69.10.13 Legal advisory and legal representation services in legal proceedings before regular courts of law relating to labor law
69.10.14 Legal advisory and legal representation services in civil law proceedings before regular courts
69.10.15 Legal services related to patents, intellectual property rights (copyright) and other intellectual property rights Preparation, drafting and validation services of copyright and broadcasting rights
have been established by 31/12/2020,
have a professional seat and a license to practice as a lawyer before
the publication of the call, i.e. 01/06/2021
the potential recipient submits one Funding Request per ΤΙΝ.
be a very small, small or medium-sized enterprise
the total amount of de-minimis aid received in the past by the
the enterprise, including aid under this Action, must not exceed 200.000€ in any three-year period (current financial year and the two (2) previous financial years) preceding the date of accession of the proposal, the amount of aid granted to
meet the conditions for the application of Reg. 1407/2013 (De Minimis)
there are no grounds for exclusion under paragraph 1 of Article 40 of Law No.
4488/2017 (A΄137) (imposition of fines for violations of labour legislation),
they do not have a pending recovery order against them for previous unlawful and incompatible
incompatible State aid on the basis of an EU or CJEU decision,
keep simple or double-entry ledgers. 4308/2014,
legal persons of any kind are excluded,
Budget of Operations
A maximum total grant will be awarded once to each beneficiary (distinct TIN)
for the digital upgrade of their business as follows:
0 = < 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2019 = < 20.000,00 € 2.000,00€
20.000,00 < 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2019 = < 40.000,00 € 1.500,00€
40.000,00 < 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2019 = < 60.000,00 € 1.000,00€
60.000,00 < 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2019 500,00€
Beneficiaries who started their business in 2020 can apply for and receive a maximum grant of €1,500.
Eligible Expenditure:
Web cams
Headphones – speakers
Videoconferencing systems
videoconferencing/projection screens
Eligible expenditure is the purchase of fixed assets for which the cost of acquiring each individual item of equipment does not exceed 1500 € and up to the limits indicated above under the conditions set out above.
Indicatively, supplies for mobile phones, tablets, mobile phone connections, servers, all kinds of software (apart from the software necessary for the basic operation of PCs and laptops), subscriptions to databases are not eligible.
The eligibility date is set at 1 June 2021. The deadline for the completion of the projects cannot exceed (three) 3 months from the date of adoption of the Inclusion Decision and the completion of the investment cannot in any case exceed the end of 2021.
The deadline for online submission of proposals is 16/06/2021 at 13:00 and the closing date is 30/07/2021 at 15:00.