The Action “Entrepreneurship Support for unemployed people aged 30-59 years with emphasis on women” aims to promote the employment of unemployed people by supporting them to create new businesses, with emphasis on female entrepreneurship.
The total budget of the Action is 60.000.000,00€.
Unemployed persons who meet the following conditions can apply for funding:
i. Be registered in the digital register of unemployed persons of the National Unemployment Service.
ii. Be between 30 and 59 years of age at the date of submission of the Application for Funding.
iii. Have completed the Personalized Approach Process.
iv. Have agreed to a Digital Individual Action Plan.
v. Male candidates must have fulfilled their military service obligations or have been legally discharged from them.
vi. Operate in an eligible SIC as defined in the relevant Call for Proposals.
vii. Not operate in a business area in which an enterprise with the same activity was active within the last six months from the date of the start of the beneficiary’s new enterprise.
viii. Have an independent business space, i.e. space that is a separate property, has autonomy in utilities and is not – under any circumstances – a residence.
ix. Not to merge their business with another business.
x. Not to establish a business that will be created after a transfer or change of legal form or dissolution and/or reopening or creation of a new business or lease by the same partners in the same or another place with the same object of activity.
xi. Not have been included in previous similar Actions of the National Unemployment Service.
xii. Maintain the Investment SIC of the company throughout the implementation of the Action.
xiii. Not to be employed as employees in their company or by a third party employer during the whole period of implementation of the Action.
xiv. Ensure that the business will be accessible to people with disabilities.
The budget for each project amounts to 17.000,00€ and the duration of the Action is twelve (12) months from the date of the establishment of the enterprise.
The amount of 17.000,00€ will be paid in 3 instalments, as below:
Ø 1st instalment: 4.600,00€ after the establishment of the enterprise.
Ø 2nd instalment: 6.200,00€ after the end of the first semester from the establishment of the enterprise, after verification of the operation for a period of 6 months.
Ø 2nd instalment: 6.200,00€ after the end of the second semester from the establishment of the enterprise, after verification of the operation for a period of 6 months.
The evaluation method will be comparative and will be based on the following criteria:
v Completeness of the content of the investment plan.
v Respecting the institutional framework and integrating horizontal policies.
v Feasibility of the investment project.
v Maturity of the investment project.
Note that if the potential beneficiary belongs to the focus group of the Action (women), the investment plan will receive an additional 10 points if the minimum score is met.
Starting Date for submitting funding applications: 19/12/2024, 13:00
Closing Date for submitting funding applications: 21/01/2025, 15:00
For more information you can contact us by phone at 2108020555 or by e-mail at [email protected].